This section applies to purchases done via the Play Store.
- Play Store purchases are tied to your Google account, so first launch the Google Play Store and make sure it's linked with the account you previously used to buy the app. Your Google account should be listed at the top of the Play Store menu.
- To confirm Google successfully linked the purchase to your account, log into your Google Play Store account and scroll down your to your Order history. Your doubleTwist app purchases and in-app upgrades should appear in your Order history.
- If you don't see any doubleTwist purchases among your Play Store orders, it means Google never charged you for the purchase because of a billing problem (such as an expired credit card) or other technical issue. The purchase was unsuccessful and you'll need to try to upgrade again.
- doubleTwist offers multiple paid apps and in-app upgrades such as AirSync, doubleTwist Pro, doubleTwist Pro Upgrade (for those who first buy AirSync and later decide to upgrade to Pro) and CloudPlayer Platinum. Find the exact one(s) you purchased and contact support so we can look up your purchase. Make sure to include the Gmail account you used for the purchase (generally something @ in your Support Request.
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