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Android 11 compatibility?



  • Official comment
    doubleTwist Support


    I'm sorry that you're experiencing a problem with our app after updating to Android 11.

    The QA/Dev team has identified the API call that was triggering the crash. They are preparing an update which will resolve the issue. We hope to push the update to the Play Store within the next day or two.

    In the meantime, you can dismiss the new media controls introduced in Android 11 and this crash should no longer occur.

    Our apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Huw Lewis

    Hi Team, when is this issue going to be fixed, it is driving me mad!!

  • residualfail

    Has there been any further progress on this patch?

  • doubleTwist Support

    Unfortunately Google is still refusing to approve the update. We are trying to escalate the issue but so far, Google has been unresponsive. :( 

    Until this update gets approved, you can dismiss the new media controls introduced in Android 11 and this crash should no longer occur.

  • Huw Lewis

    When you say dismiss the new media control, can you say exactly what you are doing as I have tried but the app still crashes with the black screen and the flashing date time and padlock

  • doubleTwist Support

    Hello. Google left a crashing bug in the new Android 11 media controls and our app is triggering the bug. To avoid the bug, you can disable or dismiss the media controls from the notification shade. You can also change this behavior in Settings. Here's an AndroidCentral article with more information:


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