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Incomplete One-Drive scan



  • Official comment
    doubleTwist Support


    I'm sorry that you're experiencing issues with indexing your cloud account.

    Please see this help page for more information on how CloudPlayer indexes music files.

    CloudPlayer relies 100% on correct metadata, there is no way to disable metadata extraction at this time.

    If the error entries indicate that it's not duplicates or network errors causing the missing items, please try a rescan by using the "Scan Cloud Storage" option. Then if the problem is still occurring, please send us a set of logs from your device.

    1. Rescan by using "Scan Cloud Storage". Verify the same problem is occurring.
    2. Go into CloudPlayer Settings.
    3. Scroll down to select "Send Log Files" and tap "OK".
    4. Enter "DT Issue 20190314a" in the description text and tap "Send Logs" to email the logs to us.

    (You can ignore the automated request for more information that our server generates when the log files are received.)


  • Guilherme Cavalcanti Saez

    Done all the suggestions on troubleshooting from support and community and having the same issue. I too understand the way cloudplayer works through metadata and all, and maybe I have files "duplicated" in that sense. But well, wont there be any way to let duplicate files sync? Why the urge to skip them? I do not use searching by songs, but by folders, anyway. Tried some other paying apps like Cloudbeats and Bubbleupnp and Cloudplayer is far superior on reproduction. The others take ages to stream. The only problem is that CP wont sync all my folders and do not seem to be quick to recognize new files added to the cloud. I would pay a lot more (even a subscription) for the option to let the duplicated files be instead of skipping them. Will too send logs with "DT issue 20190314a" written on it.

  • Saputra Judiwidjaja

    Same issue for me. Recently my friend share his music collection to me via Google drive and One drive.

    Cloud player immediately detect the shared link from Google drive and immediately sync the music to my library. However it won't detect the shared connection from one drive. Is there a way to link them?

    It's not the Onedrive issue as I use Evermusic pro in my iPhone/iPad and can link and access both the Gdrive and onedrive linked music. Granted that the apps allows music search by folder via file explorer.

  • doubleTwist Support

    Hello Saputra,

    OneDrive shared folders are not currently supported due to limitations imposed by OneDrive but if Microsoft adds this feature to their API, we will look into adding support in CloudPlayer.



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