My GPM to Cloudplayer Playlist Workflow
I thought others switching from GPM might find this useful, and maybe someone can point out a better way to accomplish what I've been doing. This works if your individual tracks are, like mine, named "Artist - Songtitle." You will need to modify the workflow if you use a different naming convention.
1) Open in one tab, and GPM in another.
2) In GPM, open the playlist you want to copy to Cloudplayer.
3) Press F12 to open the console (works on Chrome and FF, not sure of others)
4) Paste the code from the github site into the console. In Firefox, you might need to type "allow paste" without the quotes before FF will allow you to paste the code.
5) After the script finishes, paste songsToText("artistsong",false,false) into the console and hit enter. On my install it reports something like "copy to clipboard succeeded," but it doesn't.
6) Manually copy the entire song list from the console. Paste into a new plain text file (I like to use Notepad++ on Windows, BBEdit on Mac).
7) Use the text editor to append ".mp3" to the end of every song on the list. For example, in Notepad++, use "Replace..." and choose "Regular Expression" for the search mode. Then replace \r\n with .mp3\r\n. This will append .mp3 to all names except the last which doesn't have CRLF at the end.
8) Insert a line at the top and paste in #EXTM3U
9) Save the file as [your playlist name].m3u
10) Upload the file to your cloud storage.
11) You might need to activate Settings > Scan Cloud Storage in CloudPlayer to make it scan in the newly added playlist.
12) Compare the number of songs to your GPM playlist.
13) If the number is different (and it almost certainly will be), compare lists song-by-song to see which ones CloudPlayer didn't automatically match. I find it's best to sort both GPM and CloudPlayer by name, although each sorts slightly differently. For example, "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" will be at the top of CloudPlayer but in with the Ds in GPM.
This can be tedious with 200+-song playlists, but since Google removed the "export to text" function from playlists, this is the only way I know how to make it happen for free.
Please let me know if you've found a better way or have any questions about my method.
Official comment
Hello Ted, thanks for the detailed writeup! I'll forward to the product manager. Perhaps we can look into automating this somehow.
I did some additional work to get my wife's favorite 409-song playlist imported without having to go through each song. I found the java program listfix here:
That program was able to scan the .m3u file from step 9 and automatically match almost all the songs (missed about 10). The missed songs were highlighted and easy to manually match. Using this method I discovered that somehow about 6 songs we had previously uploaded to GPM were missing from our local library. I downloaded from GPM, re-added them to the library, and then re-scanned the playlist with listfix until I had all 409 songs.
After this work Cloudplayer found 404 of 409 (previously found 322 of 409 before listfix). I realized my Windows edits were most likely not in UTF-8, which is what Android seems to be expecting. I used my wife's Mac to import the text file into Music, and it saw all 409 songs. I exported that playlist to Google Drive, and Cloudplayer now sees all 409 songs!
In short, it's probably best to edit playlist files on an OS/software that outputs in UTF-8. Notepad++ on Windows can probably do this, but I haven't tested it. (EDIT TO ADD: Google says Windows 10 *does* support UTF-8 by default, but the missing songs from my Windows import contained special characters. YMMV)
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