Sync using AlbumArtist as starting folder rather than Artist?
I'm using DoubleTwist Sync to sync my music from Windows 10 to a SD card to use in my car stereo.
The stereo though has an issue if there's too many folders on the card.
When I do a normal sync the SD card ends up with lots of Artist sub-folders under /Music.
Is it possible to sync, but have the subfolders grouped by AlbumArtist instead. This is because I have lots of compilation albums where the AlbumArtist = 'Various Artists', so this would reduce the number of subfolders created under /Music.
I couldn't see any options to change this, so thought I'd ask.
Official comment
Hello. Unfortunately there isn't a way to change this behavior but I will forward your comments to the QA/Dev team so they can considering adding this in a future update.
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