Metadata bug - "Live" albums
Songs that have the album name as "live" can appear under the wrong artist.
I use the "live" album name for live recordings of various artist where that track may not appear on a published album (or i do not know the album name). I would look for a song i know is on a "live" album for a particular artist but could not find it! i sorted by Albums and found "live" albums with a variety of artist that should not be there in them. This happens even though the Artist metadata is correct for each song.
My fix was to change the album name from "live" to "live artist name". Once the album name was unique it will appear under the proper artist.
Official comment
Hello Mike,
Our app will group songs into albums using the following criteria.
1. Album name is the same. Album Artist value is blank. Track Artist value isn't evaluated.
2. Album name and Album Artist is the same. Track Artist value isn't evaluated.
3. Album name is the same and the compilation flag is set. These tracks will then be grouped and "Various Artists" will be used as Album Artist.
The reply from doublTwist Support is a welcome insight into how metadata is mapped and evaluated. Is there a document that covers all fields and evaluation critieria.
CloudPlayer still has a metadata criterion evaluation bug that has not been addressed.
Tracks with very common "Album" name where the "Album Artist" field is BLANK can be grouped under the wrong "Artist". I have many tracks that appear lost when sorting by Album Artist. When I do find the track by sorting by Track artist I discover that an incorrect artist name has been inserted into the Album Artist field by the CloudPlayer app.
I have music files that demonstrate this bug. These files have the Album name "live" or "Greatest Hits". Since these are very generic Album names the possibility of several artist having this name is high.
Also, I take issue with your answer regarding grouping criteria. The CloudPlayer metadata editor shows an "Artist" and an "Album Artist" field, there is no "Track Artist" field. It appears that what you call "Track Artist" actually is the "Artist" field. This use of Artist and Album Artist fields as i have described matches ITunes. (I also use Windows 10 file properties as a metadata editor where the Artist field is labeled as "Author" or "Contributing Artist")
Example - metadata values as seen in iTunes:
Artist = Band_abc
Album Artist = BLANK
Album = Greatest Hits
title = Songx
Track 1 of 13
CD 1 of 1
compilation = NO
metadata values as seen by CloudPlayer once imported
Artist = Band_abc
Album Artist = Band_xyz (appears to be a random choice of a band that has a Greatest Hits album that is in the CloudPlayer database)
Album = Greatest Hits
title = Songx
Track 1 of 13
CD 1 of 1
compilation = NO
I look forward to a fix to this bug
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Hello Mike,
As previously mentioned, CloudPlayer relies on the Album Artist field to distinguish albums with the same Album metadata value. There are no immediate plans to change this behavior.
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