remote / headset control option not showing up.
I switched to the LG v20 and I noticed that I no longer have the option to enable the headset control to double click volume up to switch track.
I am not sure if this is an issue with the phone or the latest update.
Official comment
That isn't an option we've added in our apps so it appears to be an enhancement specific to the device.
Hi sorry I wasn't clear on what I meant. And it wasn't the volume it was the play pause button on the in-line remote mic.
As you can see in the screen shot. The options for headset/car control in the FAQ doesn't show up on the settings on my phone. I have the latest pro version.,j8CLeZY,hJwh36Q,wVf4DZw,JTNROD2,6l2vxFH,o72GqZS0 -
The only headset control settings are for auto-play. Those are in the Playback section. It's 4 items above the Bookmark Threshold setting in your screenshot.
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What about the option shown in the FAQ.
It was exactly like that in my old phone. It was the switch to enable the option to enable double click to switch song. That option is not showing up in the app now.
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Right now I can't even pause a song
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Sorry on mobile cant edit properly.
Here is the page with the instructions. Section 2B.
I remember having that option with my old phone0 -
Thanks for the links. That's a help page for an older version of doubleTwist Player, which used an older Android API. (To reduce confusion, I've asked the web team to remove that page since it's now outdated.)
The latest version of doubleTwist Player does not have that option as it's not needed. When doubleTwist Player is in the foreground, Android will send all headset controls to our app. If Android sends us a double-click headset control, our app will advance to the next track.
What version of Android are you running on the V20? Is it Android 7 or a later version?
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I am running android 8.0.0. And the remote(in-line mic remote with volume) does nothing.
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We haven't seen this issue during testing but it's possible it's device specific.
Have you tried rebooting your device?
If after a reboot, this problem persists, please send us a log package.
1. Verify that the headset controls aren't working when doubleTwist Player is playing.
2. Then immediately go into doubleTwist Settings.
3. Scroll down to select "Send Log Files" and tap "OK".
4. Enter "doubleTwist Player 19777" in the description text and tap "Send Logs" to email the logs to us.(You can ignore the automated request for more information that our server generates when the log files are received.)
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