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Sort data for artists is ignored



  • Official comment
    doubleTwist Support


    What metadata is embedded in the files? Is it "Taylor Swift" or "Swift, Taylor"?

    Our apps will use whatever metadata is embedded in the files.

  • Travis Illig

    Using mutagen I looked at the data in three different tracks from the phone, all of which sort incorrectly.

    Here, for example, is Amy Winehouse sorted under "A" for "Amy" instead of "W" for "Winehouse":

    The metadata in this shows (with irrelevant stuff like the image and copyright dates and stuff removed):

    -- .\01 rehab.mp3
    - MPEG 1 layer 3, 256000 bps (CBR?), 44100 Hz, 2 chn, 213.82 seconds (audio/mp3)TALB=Back To Black
    TCOM=Amy Winehouse
    TCOP=(C) 2006 Universal Island Records Ltd. A Universal Music Company.
    TPE1=Amy Winehouse
    TPE2=Amy Winehouse
    TSO2=Winehouse, Amy
    TSOP=Winehouse, Amy


    So, the PerformerSortOrder and AlbumArtistSortOrder are there, but they're not obeyed.

    I looked at three more, a Taylor Swift M4A, a George Michael MP3, and a Steve Winwood M4A.

    Taylor Swift... it appears Apple must store it in a weird way, since I don't see it in the metadata...

    -- .\01 welcome to new york.m4a
    - MPEG-4 audio (AAC LC), 212.52 seconds, 0 bps (audio/mp4)'', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Artist Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Release Country=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Status=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Type=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Artist Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Disc Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>)
    aART=Taylor Swift
    covr=[128860 bytes of data]
    disk=(1, 1)
    trkn=(1, 13)
    ©ART=Taylor Swift
    ©nam=Welcome To New York

    ...but it's definitely there in iTunes:

    The George Michael song, also an MP3, shows the sort data just like Amy Winehouse.

    -- .\1-01 jesus to a child.mp3
    - MPEG 1 layer 3, 128000 bps (CBR?), 44100 Hz, 2 chn, 411.75 seconds (audio/mp3)
    TALB=Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael
    TIT2=Jesus To A Child
    TPE1=George Michael
    TPE2=George Michael
    TSO2=Michael, George
    TSOP=Michael, George


    The Steve Winwood track is interesting because it's an Apple Lossless track that doubleTwist Sync converted to AAC.

    -- .\01 roll with it.m4a
    - MPEG-4 audio (AAC LC), 320.66 seconds, 0 bps (audio/mp4)'', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Artist Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Release Country=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Status=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Album Type=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Artist Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>) Disc Id=MP4FreeForm('', <AtomDataType.UTF8: 1>)
    aART=Steve Winwood
    covr=[117326 bytes of data]
    disk=(1, 1)
    trkn=(1, 8)
    ©ART=Steve Winwood
    ©alb=Roll With It
    ©nam=Roll With It
    ©wrt=Winwood, Steve; Jennings, Will


    This looks just like the Taylor Swift M4A data, again where I can't see sort info... but I know it's there on the original ALAC version, clearly visible in iTunes.


    In all cases, the sort isn't respected - the artists consistently show up in display name sort, not specified sort order sort.

  • doubleTwist Support


    Thanks for the information. At this time, our apps do not utilize those extended metadata fields.

    But I will forward your comments to the product manager so she can consider adding support for these fields to a future update.



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