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  • Official comment
    doubleTwist Support


    Files are synced to our app directory on the device.

    If the other music players have a manual scan option, just point it to the /Music folder for indexing.


  • Rafael Bao

    Hi I have tried a few players & they don't have a manual option to point to a folder, I'm assuming they look everywhere. The only place they don't find the music files is where double twist saves them. I have moved them out of the doubletwist folder & they are then found OK. Are the doubletwist folders hidden to other programs? Is is possible to change where doubletwist saves the files?

  • doubleTwist Support


    When syncing to the SD card, Android limits apps to writing to their own app directory only so that's why the /Music folder is stored inside the Android folder.

    The Android folder has a .nomedia file which stops the Android Media Scan service from indexing the contents. If you remove the .nomedia file, the AMS will start indexing but if you find that it's indexing unwanted files, you may want to restore the .nomedia file (simply by creating an empty file and renaming it).

  • Rafael Bao

    Thanks for your help


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